Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Huge Motivator!!!

My good friend just asked if DF and I wanted to skip my law school graduation and go to the British Virgin Islands to hang out with her and her husband on their 42' sailboat ... I asked my parents if they minded not coming to see me and they claim they don't. SCORE! I have to do some more asking around at work to see if it's okay, but I think we'll be spending 5 days on a sailboat island hopping this June!! So excited!

This is a huge motivator in the worst way. First, my bikinis/bathing suits don't fit me right now so that's just a basic necessity. Second, I want to feel comfortable on that boat wearing whatever I want! So if I didn't have enough motivation already (the size 4 clothes in my closet that I fit into for like a month and want to get back to), here is a new one!

Goal (and beyond) here I come!

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