Monday, June 30, 2008

Tips from another successful WWer

This is from leather&lace over on the WW 50+ board in response to my post about not following WW (no points, not doing Core) and still losing. I think she's got this down!

I've been doing a healthy plan on my own for five months. I've lost 17.5 pounds. It's been an amazing experience! My loss is slower than with WW, especially in the beginning, but feels more sustainable. While following WW I always felt like I needed constant motivation, where this plan feels like a real lifestyle.

Here's what works for me:

--Gradual permanent changes. My taste buds have time to adjust to each change so it never feels like a big effort. The latest thing I've done is get used to brown rice, for example.

--Constant focus on nutrition and what my body wants/needs. When on WW, I chose the lower point options. Now I look for the choice which is most nutritious regardless of calories. So I'd be more likely to have a giant whole-grain waffle with fruit and nonfat yogurt for 3 points, over a two-point skinny cow.

--Foodwise, this is what I've settled on:
Limiting of refined sugar and starchy carbs=better mood and fewer cravings
Mostly lean proteins, tofu, fish, chicken.
Lots of fruits and veggies
Whole grains
Lots of nonfat dairy, including yogurt and unsweetened soy milk

--When I really want something, I have it. My body is well nourished and I don't have many cravings for silly empty calorie things like Oreo cookies. But if I do, I eat them, no guilt.

--Weighing daily, and also one weekly weigh-in which actually 'counts.'

--No counting calories/points or weighing or measuring. I do measure certain things I tend to abuse, like maple syrup.

--Lots of sweaty, hard exercise--including about 4 hours of weight training weekly and 4-7 hours of cardio.

For me at least the secret to this is asking yourself--which healthy things am I willing to do, for life? And then continually re-examining it as time goes on to see if you are willing to do more.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Restaurant List

Six weeks into my summer program and I have never paid for my own lunch on a workday (I've also never skipped lunch). There's been a few sandwhich lunches but for the most part, they have been in very nice restaurants downtown. Below is an almost (but not quite) exhaustive list.

Through a lot of running and biking, I've maintained my initial 4 pound gain, so that I've been holding steady at 139 or so. I'm not trying to lose at this point, just stay the same.

Monday, June 2, 2008


I biked 25 miles on Sunday on my commuter bike and tennis shoes (no toe clips or anything). According to the guy with the Garmin, we kept a 15.5 mile pace, which is pretty impressive considering some of the hills. Next time I'll probably double that distance, but in my workhorse Trek Touring 520 with biking shoes and clipped pedals, which should make it easier.

I'm so glad that there's a group of people at my firm who like to do this, I think there will be trips pretty much every weekend. It's very exciting! :)

The eating is still not going so well, but at least I'm working out.