Thursday, May 29, 2008

The scale is going up!

And I have to stop it. I saw 139.2 this morning. That is completely unacceptable. My thighs also got an inch bigger. that is CRAZY! I've been running more but it is not enough to offset the crazy amounts of food I've been having at all the events, and when I get home.

The excuse I've been using is that my stomach has "expanded" and I'm hungry more often, but that is just not true most of the time. I'm eating out of boredom, stress, or just because. It has got to stop.


KB said...

I gained 40 pounds in 2.5 years because I just didn't weigh myself and gave myself all sorts of excuses.

You've had a gain, but at least you have recognized it before it's out of you can control it. You've come so far :) Breathe and reboot! You can DO this!! :D

DJ said...

Thanks girl! I am rebooting today! I really appreciate the well wishes on the blog, it makes me feel like I'm not doing this alone.