Monday, May 5, 2008

1.8 left?

I had a test from 8:30am-4:30pm this Saturday, which conflicted with my usual Weight Watchers meeting at 10:30am, so I didn't end up weighing in officially. My home scale is usually within 0.2 of the meeting scale, however, and there it said I was at 136.8 in the morning, which means I lost a pound!

I'm excited and disappointed, I had a good week -- it was stressful studying for two exams but I ate within my points, got my 8 Good Health Guidelines everyday and even had more than 12 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. I wanted to lose more :) Then I thought, how silly. You've been diddling around the last few months, be happy you lost at all!

And I am happy. Hopefully I can pull off similar losses for the next two weeks at official WI which would mean I'll be at goal before the summer starts. I think that's a great plan.

Other than the scale victory of 1 pound lost, I had a fantastic NSV (non-scale victory) today. I had a lazy day walking around town, shopping, had brunch with an old friend, and bought two pairs of very cute Tahari shoes (pictured).

After shopping I biked to the 1 1/2 hour yoga class (2 APs biking, 3 APs yoga) which was fantastic. I love that class because it's always challenging, yet I can keep up. This is only my second time going to the Sunday class but I've been doing the Thursday class with the same instructor all semester. This past Thursday the instructor asked me if I was an undergraduate, which was awesome! And today (and here's the NSV), I was actually the model for a bunch of the poses! She kept saying, "do it just like the girl in white is doing." It was awesome!

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