Monday, May 26, 2008

Been MIA: Recap and musings on the life of a big firm summer associate

I've been MIA for almost two weeks now (not even sure exactly how long!). Anyone miss me?

I started my summer internship at the big firm last Monday, and on day 3 after much training I had to fly out to Maryland for a client visit. Great opportunity, but also another way to make it much harder to stay on track! (those Maryland crab cakes were so delicious!)

My eating this past few weeks has been horrible. I haven't gone to meetings in two weeks. I weighed at home though. The first meeting I missed I was up 3 pounds from my week before (when I was so close to goal!). This past Saturday when I weighed in at home I'd lost 1.4 pounds, but I'm still battling that 3 pound gain.

With work 8am-9pm and fancy lunches and dinners out, alcohol flowing at every opportunity, and ordering dessert everyday, not to mention coffee runs, it is going to be a very hard summer. I realize I'm complaining about getting paid a whole bunch of money to do interesting work when I can squeeze the time to do it in between trainings and afternoon tea, 2 hour lunches and cocktail receptions at fancy places with views like the one pictured... it's very hard to do all that we're supposed to do to impress people (so that they hire us) and NOT gain 15 pounds.

I'm fixated on the 15 pounds because that is what the first person who spoke to us at our job orientation last week said: that by the end of the 12-week summer program most of us would have gained 15 pounds.

I'm determined to be at goal at the end of this summer program! Immediately after DBF and I are taking a much deserved two week vacation in Budapest and Cyprus, where I will be wearing very skimpy clothing at all times. I want to be below goal goshdarnit. I just need to remember that next time that everyone is ordering individual desserts!

1 comment:

KB said...

Wow! Congrats on the great position!
Yes, I have learned the hard way that it can be very difficult to make good choices while "on the clock" so to speak. Stay can do it!
And you WILL avoid that 15 pound gain :D
*Oh and I did miss you...I'm a fan! You keep me motivated ;)