I don't like to set "goals" that are focused on how much weight I'll lose by X date (in fact, I already
wrote a post about this). I think it's unrealistic because people usually start with a significant date (like their anniversary, wedding, birthday, etc.) and decide they need to be a certain weight by then.
I think what I do is a bit different. I like to do
projections of how much weight I'm likely to lose if I stay on program for a given amount of time. I'm usually very conservative in these projections, expecting to lose 0.8-1 pound on average per week (reasonable I think since when I was on program I was losing 1.2 lbs. on average and because healthy weight loss is between 0.5-2 lbs.).
Projections are different because I am projecting a healthy weight loss and I am starting with what's realistic, not what I would like (I would like to be 120 by Labor Day, but that's not going to happen).
I just did some projections from my current weight of 140 (as of Saturday). I have 5 pounds to make my WW goal and stop paying (which I really want to do, for economic reasons). Assuming I stay on program, I know I can lose an
average of 0.8 lbs. per week, which would make it possible to reach goal around September 27 or October 4. There's our European vacation in there, which may derail things. So there's a reason to work really hard during vacation.

The next goal is to be 125, which I think will be approximately 20-25% body fat. Assuming I stay on program all that time, at an average loss of 0.8, the earliest I could reach that goal is Dec. 20, though probably more likely the next week's weigh in: Dec. 27. Now these projections aren't going to be as good because it's even further in the future. But it gives me a kick in the butt--if
and only if--I stay on program from now until the end of the year, I could be at my personal goal.
November 11, 2008 will be my 2-year anniversary on Weight Watchers. It would be wonderful to at least be at my WW goal by then. I know I can do that.
Part of me can't believe I'm not there yet, in fact, since I was/am at 139/140 in the second picture at right back in December 2007. So I have basically maintained, all things considered, since then. I want to say: "What a waste of time!" But it hasn't been. I've been learning how to maintain, even without trying too hard. But now, the time to learn to maintain is over--at least for a bit--I am back in losing mode, which means a bit more deprivation, but also getting back to fit into my clothes without being uncomfortable again. So here we go!